It Takes a (Virtual) Village. Notes from Our First AP Kids Show & Tell Event.

For those new to the remote work environment, the first week out of the office is an adjustment under any circumstances. However, many parents across the globe are now tasked with not only altering their own schedules, but the schedules of their children as well.
For over 13 years, Acceleration Partners (AP) has been structured as a remote company culture. Yet, even though we’re all very well-adjusted to working from home, that certainly doesn’t mean that our team members are immune from the struggles of entertaining their children throughout their workdays.
That’s why earlier this week, some of our team members and their kids joined together online for a virtual show and tell event where these AP kids got the chance to share their favourite toys, art pieces and awards to the team!
Thoughts from AP Parents
“It was so great to get to see the team’s kids and great for my kids to get to participate in Mommy’s Work Calls that they see happening so often these days.”
“Daniel loved to meet up with the AP kids to hear all their favourite items/toys. Danny loved to talk about his favourite race car and his astronaut suit!”
“Andrew really enjoyed hearing new friends talk about their favourite things. He’s already asking if there’s going to be another!”
“It was a great break from the day and something to look forward to. My little ones are always curious as to who I am talking too on video when I’m working, they love making guest appearances. This was a great opportunity to let them join in and participate and mom didn’t get mad when they popped up on screen.”
“This event was special for my 1.5 year old because she is used to seeing other kids of all ages at the library and book club events that are now cancelled/closed for the time being. Being able to have her interact with other kids during this time was beneficial. I even pushed nap time by 30 minutes to allow her to attend!”
“This event was a welcomed absence, if only momentarily, of the daily juggle between being a full-time Mommy/caregiver/teacher, as well as a full-time employee. Both my worlds were able to unite pleasantly. As an only child during this time of isolation, it was nice for Mason to have some “face time” with children his own age, as well as to be able to interact with them on a peer level.”
Learn more about Acceleration Partners and our remote work culture on our Careers page.
Author: Emily Tetto