Partner Spotlight: Givling

Acceleration Partners’ Publisher Spotlight is an ongoing series where members of our Publisher Development team shine a light on innovative publishers from across the world.
This month we chatted with Seth Beard, Chief Marketing Officer at Givling.
How did Givling get its start and how did you get to be where you are today?
Givling started in 2015 when our founder, Lizbeth Pratt, learned that student loans could not be dismissed in bankruptcy. Crowdfunding was growing strong during this time for verticals such as medical debt, yet fundraisers for student loans were not effective.
Lizbeth had the idea to gamify crowdfunding through a trivia game and thus Givling was born. Through a lot of trial and error, Givling grew and will be celebrating over $6 million paid out by the end of the month.
How is Givling making a positive impact in the world?
We pay off our user’s student loans and award cash prizes to our players. While student loans primarily impact younger folks, did you know that over 3 million senior citizens are paying student loans? If they fall behind, their social security wages can be garnished.
Our goal is to help as many people as possible, no matter if they recently graduated from college or are looking forward to retirement, so they can begin living a life of financial freedom.
What do you look for when creating new partnerships with advertisers?
It’s important to partner with a company that can deliver value to our users.
Our Givling community is open to a variety of verticals, from financial, educational, apparel to start-up brands. In fact, we often onboard new companies that quickly become their new favourite go-to brand.
What is the best way for advertisers to partner with Givling to fully maximise their partnership?
What can advertisers expect to get out of working with Givling? Givling is the most unique and powerful form of affiliate advertising!
From digital placements in our mobile app, social media, e-mail newsletter to the sponsorship of our $10,000 in-person check surprise, we deliver strong results through a hybrid of content and loyalty placements.
What is Givling doing in the industry that helps you stand out?
Changing people’s lives.
A user can receive up to $150,000 in a combination of prize money and funding towards a student loan or mortgage through Givling. We use the revenue earned through affiliates as a channel to fund the awards.
Any exciting news or upcoming features you would like to share?
We’ve recently launched a full makeover of our partner page at www.givlingpartners.com and are creating new features in the Givling app.
And for our last question, if you were stranded on a desert island, what are three things you’d need to have with you?
Satellite radio, sunscreen and unlimited sushi.
Questions about the types of affiliates who would be good partners for your affiliate programme? Reach out to our team!
Author: Acceleration Partners