Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value in Affiliate Marketing

The OutPerform Podcast
(Listen time: 14:05)
More About this Episode
Customer Lifetime Value has grown in importance over the past few years across all industry verticals, but especially for brands who have a subscription or reoccurring service business model.
In this episode of Outperform we’re joined by Heather Creamer, an Associate Account Director here at Acceleration Partners with over 9 years of experience in affiliate marketing program management. We discuss the role of customer lifetime value – or LTV – in affiliate marketing and what brands need to do to effectively maximize that performance element in their affiliate programs.
Show Notes
- Why customer lifetime value has increased in importance for most brands across the board—and especially with subscription or reoccurring services.
- Changes that have occurred in the past few years that have made it easier for brands to understand their customer lifetime value.
- How understanding customer lifetime value helps brands get a better return on their ad spend.
- Why it’s essential for brands wanting to maximize the lifetime value of their customers via their affiliate program to first understand what their average lifetime value is internally within the company.
- Types of partners brands can work with via their affiliate program to extend their customer lifetime value.
- What brands can do within their affiliate program to better identify which partners will drive the highest value customers and how to optimize those partnerships.
- What brands can do with all the customer lifetime value data they’ve acquired to reinforce and promote desired behaviors from the consumer via their affiliate program.
Links from the Episode
How Brands Can Use Affiliate Marketing to Increase Their Marketing ROI
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