Exploring the Global Expansion Trend in Affiliate Marketing

The Outperform Podcast
(Listen time: 12:41 )
More About this Episode
On this episode you’ll learn about a growing global expansion trend in affiliate marketing that many brands are embracing. Our guest, Kevin Osborne, Sr. Vice President of Client Strategy at Acceleration Partners, talks about what brands have shared with him about this global expansion trend and why he thinks it will likely increase in 2020 and beyond.
Show Notes
- What this global expansion trend is and why it’s important for brands to pay attention to it.
- Why brands are embracing this approach to the global expansion of their affiliate program.
- What types of brands are more likely to take this global expansion approach and why.
- Why this trend is notable and what brands should take into consideration if they conclude that they want to expand their affiliate program into a new country or region.
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