Dual Affiliate Programs Produce 49% Lead Conversion Rate
Acceleration Partners helped client (Client X) establish a second affiliate program focused on the “sell” side of their business; attract better affiliates to their existing affiliate program focused on the “buy” side of their business; and drive a lead conversion rate of 49%.

increase over lead generation goals
“sell” oriented affiliate program
of total revenue driven by content affiliates
“sell” store lead conversion rate
Focused Solutions
Acceleration Partners’ first priority was to establish an effective communication platform to disseminate important information to existing affiliates. AP also informed top affiliates that Client X was disbanding its current network and intended to launch a new one. Only the most valuable affiliates were invited to join Client X’s program on the new network.
Acceleration Partners identified those affiliates engaging in fraudulent practices and those not adding value to Client X’s program. These affiliates were red flagged to ensure they did not receive an invite to the new network.
Several outreach campaigns informed affiliates about the sell focused program. The campaigns explained the commission model and other key program tenets to clearly demonstrate the benefits of participating in this unique opportunity.